Clixter Canada is now offering Live Streaming Services both remotely and in-person. The platform we use allows to channel your live program to YouTube, Facebook and Instagram at the same time in HD. If we are providers of your website we also sent the streaming straight to your homepage website.
We offer to be your Media Manger for Live Streaming and for as low as $20 per transmission we help you every weekend to configure the streaming the day before, and the day of transmission we configure your website so it will show on your homepage. We also post it to your facebook page. After the transmission has ended we adjust the settings of the video with title and description and settings to maximize exposure across your media channels.
There is no limit of time on how long the tranmission is.
The equipment to use for the transmission depends on your budget. The cheapest way to do is using your cellphone but the quality depends on how fast your internet speed is. We can help you set up your phone and help you do a tranmission for free so you can see how it works. No limit of time for transmission
The second option will require you to have a video camera (not necessary a high end camera) with an HDMI output and a laptop for transmission. We can suggest you the kind of camera you need based on our experience and the cost is around $150 CAD. For this set up, is best that you use the WiFi of your location. You will also need a camera tripod, a hdmi adapter to connect your camera to your laptop and a sound converter to connect your camera to your audio mixer for clear sound. If you don't have any of these we help you get the correct ones and then we configure them for you. The cost for us to come to your church to configure your equipment for transmission is $60. Make sure you also have WiFi on your church location. Talk to us and we will give you the best solution to your needs.
If you require live streaming with professional cameras on site, then a a basic standard transmission package for a 2-3 hours event with 3 full HD camera and clear digital sound is $300 and each additional hour at $75. However we can do packages according to your needs with multiple cameras. Make sure you also have access to high speed WiFi on your event location as we don't provide internet service. Talk to us and give us the details of your event to give you a free estimate.
Live Streaming